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Parent Resources

Responsive Classroom:  Primrose is a Responsive Classroom school, focused on creating a caring and supportive learning environment for our students.  Learn more about Responsive Classroom by visiting their website.

Why Do We Need Elementary School Counselors?  This site explains what an Elementary School Counselor does and how and why they are an important part of your child's educational experience.

The Dougy Center: A great website to help during times of loss.

Back to School Anxiety: A good article on how to ease the transition between summer and the start of a new school year.

Anxiety in Kids: How to turn it around and protect them for life: A meaningful and useful article full of tips on how to help your anxious child.

The National Parenting Center This site includes a parenting corner and numerous informative articles about parenting at all developmental stages. Articles are divided into categories of learning, physical development, behavior and emotional issues, and tough issues.

Kids Health KidsHealth has doctor-approved articles, animations, games, and resources to help kids and parents learn more about their bodies and stay healthy.

Bullying:  This government website has some helpful tops for what parents can do to help prevent and stop bullying.  Here's another great resource on bullying that includes kids games and videos.  Yet another helpful article on how to help you child deal with bullying.

CHADD: Nationally recognized authority on ADHD.  If you are looking for resources on how to support your child with ADHD, this is a great place to start.  Here is a link to the local affiliate, which offers support meetings and workshops.

Books: We all know how powerful a good story can be for young children. "Books That Heal" is a great site that provides lists and summaries of books geared towards healing children.  You can search for a specific topic and find many age appropriate options.

Holiday Resources: Holiday Resource List: Need support during this busy holiday season?  Check out this list of area agencies that can help.