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If a student is absent, please enter the absence on School Dismissal Manager. If unable to access SDM at that time, please email our attendance office at or call (914) 248-8888 ext. 1101, or call the Health Office at 914-248-8020 before 8AM.


Regular attendance at school is not only a key to academic success, it is also required by New York State law. When a student is absent, however, parents should enter the absence on School Dismissal Manager. When they return to school, students must bring a note explaining their absence to Mrs. Giovanna Cross in the main office. School Dismissal Manager entries and attendance emails will fulfill the absence note requirement. Please remember that it is necessary to report the absence each day your child is absent from school unless you have discussed the situation about an extended absence with the school nurse or Mrs. Cross.


A student arriving to school late (after 8:15 AM) should ring the bell to be allowed into the building, be signed in and issued a pass allowing them into their class.


We anticipate that most students will take the bus to and from school, but in case work obligations or after school activities make taking the bus difficult, we would like to review our parent drop-off and pick-up procedures. We also want to take this opportunity to review some basic bus guidelines.

AM Student/Parent drop-off – begins at 7:55AM in the rear of the building and concludes at 8:05AM. As you enter Primrose School parking lot, proceed past the bus circle, and stay right around to the rear of the building and enter coned off area. First car should pull all the way forward to make room for others. Children should sit on the right side of the car, backpack on, and be ready to exit or you may be asked to rejoin the car line. A staff member will open the doors of arriving cars. Parents are expected to stay in the car. If you require more time to drop your child off, please park in a designated spot and walk your child to the front of the building. After the buses depart the front circle, car traffic may be redirected to the bus circle. In the front circle, parents should pull forward along the curb and ensure that children, exit safely to the sidewalk. Please continue to be courteous and alert as there may be many cars and pedestrians in the circle.

Student/Parent Pick-up (end of day) – Student pick-up takes place in the rear of the building at Door 6.

  • Park in a legal space or wait for one to become available. Parking is available at SHS.
  • Exit your car and proceed to the double doors by the garden (Door 6) to meet your child(ren).
  • Line up on the garden path.
  • Dismissal begins at 2:15PM
  • Sign out your child(ren) with a Primrose Staff member.
  • Please be prepared to show your ID
  • Parent pick-up will conclude at 2:25PM.
  • Cars are advised to exit through Somers High School.


The Primrose School recognizes the importance of good attendance for academic and social success. It is also important to get to school on time. With this in mind the following policy is designed to promote regular attendance on the part of all of our students

  1. The assistant principal and school attendance clerk will meet regularly to examine attendance and tardy issues.
  2. A child who reaches 10 absences or tardies will set in motion the following:
    • Parental notification regarding excessive absences by letter. 
  3. A child who reaches 20 absences or tardies will set in motion the following:
    • Parent will meet with an administrator to address the issue of school attendance to develop a plan for improving attendance.
  4. If absences continue, a referral to the appropriate social services agency will follow.
  5. If a student is late for school 3 times without a note from the parents, a warning letter will be sent home. A note can be an email to our attendance clerk.
  6. If a student is late for school 4 times without a note from the parents, they will not be admitted to class until we contact their parent. A note can be an email to our attendance clerk.


When a child is absent from school for an extended vacation, schoolwork will NOT be provided. Families are encouraged to have their children keep a journal and read daily. Teachers will do their best to catch students up when they return to school.


If a student needs to leave Primrose before the end of the regular school day, the early dismissal should be entered in School Dismissal Manager at the beginning of the school day. The student will meet the parent at the Reception Desk in the vestibule. Parents/persons picking up must go to the ;Reception ;Desk with their driver’s license/government issued photo ID to sign the student out before the student can leave the building.  A student will not be dismissed early from school without a written parent request.