Report Cards
Elementary Report Cards
Elementary report cards are available (3) times per year; typically, in late November, March and June. Report cards are accessed via the Parent Portal. Once you have logged into the portal, choose which child you would like to view from the top drop down menu that says select a student. Then, in the left-hand column, click on reports. Next, click on MP1, MP2, or MP3 report card and you will be able to view the report card for the selected trimester.
Student progress is scored using a rubric that contains the necessary content and skills for that marking period. You may see 3’s in the first marking period and 2’s and 3’s in the next marking period because the expectations for what children need to know and be able to do will grow across the school year. Students are assessed in relation to expected knowledge and skill at each trimester. You should be very pleased to see your child performing at level 3.
We have posted some resources, on the left navigation pane, that share our grade level expectations for ELA and Math.
We hope our report cards will provide you with an accurate picture of your child’s progress as a learner.