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English as a New Language

Children for whom English is not their first language are assessed using the NYSITELL to see if they qualify for English as a New Language services. Information about the language spoken in-home is reported on the HLQ (Home Language Questionnaire) which is part of our required documentation in the registration packet for new students. Students who qualify for this support may receive integrated or stand-alone support individually or in small groups aligned to their proficiency levels. Students who are first year students in the U.S.A. do not need to take the NYS ELA exam, but they do have the opportunity to take a translated version of the NYS Math test. All ENL students take the NYSESLAT each year to assess their mastery and progress in the English language. Students who obtain a proficiency level of Commanding, exit from ENL services but are entitled to an additional two years of transitional support as well accommodations on NYS assessments.  
