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It is the intent of the Primrose staff to provide an educational environment that builds on what children already know and are able to do. We believe that children construct knowledge and naturally make meaning and sense out of their world. Young children learn by doing. Heterogeneous classroom groupings facilitate learning and better reflect the world that our children will inherit.

We accept the responsibility to encourage and guide the learning process in order to ensure the development of the whole child: physically, emotionally, socially, morally and cognitively. We provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum so that our children will meet with success, thus enhancing their self-esteem. We want our students to become well educated, to enjoy coming to school, to feel positive about themselves and their individual talents and ultimately, to become caring, informed and responsive citizens of the world.

Parent-Teacher-Administrator relationships based on mutual trust and respect are essential. Parents, teachers and administrators work together to develop responsible students who are thoughtful learners. We recognize that all adults in the school community must be role models of lifelong learning for the children.


Primrose School is a caring community of learners – children and adults, alike. Mutual respect and acceptance are evident and risk taking is encouraged. The building aesthetics reflect the talents, interests, and commitment of our entire Primrose community.


Classroom environment can be described as a center of investigation and discovery where children of mixed ages and abilities are actively involved in their learning – moving around to obtain manipulatives, support materials and resources in order to complete tasks or satisfy curiosities. Children work in a variety of ways – large group, small groups, and individually, using a variety of resources, including technology. Learning stations are positioned throughout the classroom. There is appropriate verbal interaction among the children. The teacher rotates around the room and changes roles to become an observer, facilitator, coach, resource, instructor, recorder and evaluator throughout the school day.

Children’s work is displayed everywhere. Knowledge of a particular subject is demonstrated through writing samples, art work, charts, books, models, three-dimensional structures as well as performances, including musical concerts, dramatizations and physical movement or dance. All students are actively engaged in a positive, organized learning environment which fosters self-discipline and responsible decision-making.


Primrose School is a community of diverse learners and instruction is planned to meet the needs of children with varying strengths and learning styles. All decisions start with the child as the focus. Programs build on the sequential development and needs of the child. Children are seen as independent, internally driven individuals growing through well-marked phases of development. What a child knows is recognized, respected and used as the basis for subsequent learning.

The curriculum is developed in accordance with New York State Standards and Curriculum Guides as well as current research on learning. Children construct meaning through investigations that encourage the development of higher level thinking skills and problem solving strategies. Genuine understanding leads to new questions and increased motivation to learn.

On-going authentic assessments inform instruction. Clearly communicated or modeled expectations guide children’s work. Teachers encourage children to evaluate their own work and assist them in determining how improvement can take place. Errors are viewed as a natural and necessary part of learning.


Parent-Teacher relationships based on mutual trust are considered essential. Parents and teachers work together to develop caring, responsible students. Opportunities are provided for family members to be active participants in the school community. Parents are informed of current educational practices, based on the belief that parents and educators are partners. Communication about program content, specific goals, and a child’s progress is concrete and comprehensive. Programs are in place to provide education for parents of Primrose and pre-school children.


Self-assessment is viewed as a natural and necessary part of learning. Teachers are encouraged to evaluate their own work and to determine where change is needed. Teachers and Administrators work together to establish goals and action plans to achieve them. Professional respect, reflection, intellectual curiosity and mutual support provide the underpinnings for continued professional growth.Collaboration of faculty is a priority and takes various forms. Creative efforts are made to provide necessary planning time. Teachers work together to explore and develop the art of teaching and identify best teaching practices. Classroom teachers and specialists share and coordinate responsibilities. A team of teachers meets at a teacher’s request to discuss strategies to be used with a child experiencing difficulty or needing to be challenged.