Upcoming Events
Primrose Elementary School News
Clay, paint, feathers, paper, and pipe cleaners were used to make mixed-media birds in Mrs. Olsen’s art class.
The districtwide talent show at Somers High School on Friday, Jan. 24, promises an eclectic evening featuring rock, light jazz, ballet and a demonstration of karate – with handheld fans
While building a snowman may be a quintessential winter activity, Ms. Michelitch’s kindergarteners celebrated the recent winter solstice by engaging in crafts and stories with a cold and snowy theme
Announcements & Updates
We hope you are taking some time to recharge this summer and are looking forward to a great new year. We are excited to reconnect with the children and see their smiling faces! Information for the new year will be updated during the summer.
Welcome to Primrose Elementary School, a place of great beginnings! We are passionate about creating a socially and emotionally safe environment while allowing students to grow intellectually. Primrose School provides an educational environment that builds on what children already know and can do. We believe that children construct knowledge and naturally make meaning and sense out of their world. We want our students to become well educated, to enjoy coming to school, to feel positive about themselves, to be caring and cooperative, and to have an opportunity to develop their individual talents.
Katie Winter